My husband is always going on and on about his “Dream Man Cave”, he and his friends can talk for hours about this fantasy room that is strictly for them, and to be honest I was beginning to feel left out- until it hit me. I need a room too! A Man Cave equivalent. And after hours of deliberating, I have dubbed it the “Lady Lair”. If he gets his fortress of solitude, I’m darn too-ten gonna get mine. Which brings me to the His and Hers segment of the week, “what’s your fairy tale personal space?” Clearly Chris and I have differing opinions (not that I’m surprised)… but I’m dying to know what’s in your ‘Man Cave” or ‘Lady Lair”!
Hers: My Lady Lair is designed and inspired for comfort and relaxation. I have a bar cart with all my favorite cocktail ingredients, an over stuffed chair for reading, and fresh plants. I love the idea of having a record player with a collection of vinyl as well as a entire wall of beautiful clothing racks (because it most likely wont all fit in my closet space- aka my current dilemma). The final addition to my Lady Lair would be a beautiful porch of the Lair with lush flowers and a fantastic view…

His: Chris’ Man Cave, as I mentioned before is very specific. For starters he’d like his own private man bathroom off of the cave, an endless supply of cigars, and of course a pool table. He would also like a bar, but on a much larger scale compared to mine. Another must is this campfire candle he found to make it smell like the outdoors, a sign with the man rules and this pretty awesome hanging bottle light.